Filippo Fazio explains how the highest quality in food preservation is obtained with the nitrogen blast chiller to blast-chill the food, which thanks to its extreme rate of temperature drop, maintains the quality of cooked food for a long time.
Stefano Polato tells us how he developed his current approach to cooking by dealing with Bonus Food for astronauts of various missions and how the study of human reactions in space also serves to understand what is the most balanced diet for everyone.
Filippo Fazio explains how the highest quality in food preservation is obtained with the nitrogen blast chiller to blast-chill the food, which thanks to its extreme rate of temperature drop, maintains the quality of cooked food for a long time.
Filippo Fazio riassume i numerosi vantaggi del metodo della Rigenerazione, che consente di preparare i pasti in una cucina centralizzata e con tutte le attrezzature più avanzate che possono servire, per poi abbatterli e rigenerarli nel luogo in cui verranno consumati con l’ausilio di un’unica macchina, il Rigeneratore.
Stefano Polato, the chef who creates and prepares dishes for space missions, explains how the catering world can and must play a decisive role in the search for a balance between taste and well-being.