Category: EN combi

Tonno, puntarelle e topinambur

Tuna puntarelle e topinambur

Martino Scarpa, chef of “Osteria ai do Campanili of Cavallino-Treporti”, shows us how he prepares his recipe “Tuna, puntarelle and Topinanbur” with the combi oven. The tuna is cooked in the combi oven at 220°C

Quaglia e gamberi rossi

Quail and red prawns

Martino Scarpa, chef of “Osteria ai do Campanili of Cavallino-Treporti”, shows us how he prepares his recipe “Quail and red shrimp” with the combi oven. The quail thighs are vacuum-baked in a steam oven at 64°C. for one hour, the quail breasts at 59°C for 40 minutes, the red shrimp at 200°C.

orata, sbrise, broccoli e zucca

Sea bream, “sbrise”, broccoli and pumpkin

Martino Scarpa, chef of “Osteria ai do Campanili of Cavallino-Treporti”, shows us how he prepares his recipe “Sea bream, sbrise, broccoli cream and pumpkin” with the combi oven. The pumpkin is vacuum-baked in a steam oven at 100°C, the “sbrise” at 200°C, the sea bream for 6 minutes at 200°C.

baccalà e carciofi di zucca

Cod and articholes

Martino Scarpa, chef of “Osteria ai do Campanili of Cavallino-Treporti”, shows us how he prepares his recipe “Cod and artichokes” with the combi oven. The codfish is vacuum- cooked at 75 oC. for 15 minutes in the oven with steam, the artichokes vacuum-packed at 100 oC for 20 minutes and then browned in the pan.